
Server Problems

In the last few days our hosting server has experienced some problems which resulted in downtime. We are sorry for this inconvenience.

The problem seems resolved, but if it happens again you can go to our backup web page.

In January, we will be looking for a more reliable server.


More PA eBooks!

Six new back issues of Protoculture Addicts are now available in the eBook format from Drive Thru RPG:

We now have a total of 22 titles available in eBook format and new ones are coming soon. Check it out!

Catalog Updated

I was recently cleaning my basement and, in some boxes that I brought back when my parents sold their house last year, I found a box full of back issues of the magazine, some of which were considered sold out.

I have updated the catalog with those new-found issues, so if you are a collector now is your chance to complete your collection.

Check the catalog in the Other Products & Rare Issues section.


PA#86 is on its way!

PA#86 shipped monday. By next week it should be in most stores and Canadian subscribers should have received their copies. US and International subscribers won't probably get their copies for another couple of weeks.

We are all hard at work on PA#87, which should ship around Christmas!



PA#86 will come back from the printer soon and we will start shipping at the end of the week. By early next week it will be on its way to your store or your mail box!

As usual, if you want a copy you can either order it directly from us, get a subscription or check you local store. If they are not carrying the magazine, please encourage them to do so. Retailers can order it directly from us (they can check our terms of business) or they can order it from several distributors (our web page has a list of distributors that carry the magazine).

Remember: the best way to support the magazine is by the word of mouth. Tell your friends about Protoculture Addicts and encourage them to buy it as well.

Get more information on PA#86 contents.

Please give us some FEEDBACK by either going to the PA's forums or by e-mail! That will help us continue to improve the magazine.

Thanks for your support and take care!



By now, PA#85 should be in stores and Canadian subscribers should have received their copies. US and International subscribers won't probably get their copies for another couple of weeks.

If you want a copy you can either order it directly from us, get a subscription or check you local store. If they are not carrying the magazine, please encourage them to do so. Retailers can order it directly from us (they can check our terms of business) or they can order it from several distributors (our web page has a list of distributors that carry the magazine).

Remember: the best way to support the magazine is by the word of mouth. Tell your friends about Protoculture Addicts and encourage them to buy it as well.

PA#85 is really a great issue and I am sure you will enjoy it. We have improved the layout a little and put much more content. We have also added some thematical articles. Check it here.

Please give us some FEEDBACK by either going to the PA's forums or by e-mail! That will help us continue to improve the magazine.

Thanks for your support and take care!



We are currently looking for people to help production in our offices in Montreal. Intern candidates should meet the following requirements:

• Knowledge and interest in anime & manga
• Knowledge of Macintosh environment preferable
• Living in Montreal, Qc (it is for a job in situ, so unless you like very long commute...)
• Typing skills a must (preferably around 30 words/min. )
• Bilingual (English / French) would be a plus but not necessary (English a must)
• Be available in afternoon and early evening at least two days per week
• Having a computer (PC or Mac) and internet at home (to do some work) would be an advantage
• Must NOT be allergic or phobic to cats

Interns will be required to do the following tasks:

• Type texts
• Make research for information and illustrations
• Help with shipping & mailing
• Possibly assist with layout and editing according to the interns capability

Per its nature, internship is not remunerated. However, interns will get some benefits:

• letter of recommendation to validate your experience at Protoculture
• credits for all the published work done
• great learning opportunities
• a chance to have your work published (and get your name in the magazine!)
• be among the first in line for an eventual remunerated job opening (if you are qualified)
• have access to lots of viewing and reading material
• getting occasional freebies of manga, DVDs and food
• and have the chance to hang around with the great staff of Protoculture!

Send your application and C.V. to internship@protoculture.ca


New PA eBooks

Three new back issues of Protoculture Addicts are now available in the eBook format from Drive Thru RPG:


PA#85 Shipping Soon

Protoculture Addicts #85 will start shipping around August 22nd. If you want to be amongst the first to get it you should think about ordering your copies now or even to get a subscription!

You can also get Protoculture Addicts from your local comics / hobby / Book store. If your local store is not carrying the magazine, you should encourage them to do so. We are available from several distributors, or your local store can order it directly from us. Tell your local store owner to check our web page for our list of distributors or our terms of business.

Also the best way to support the magazine is by the word of mouth. Tell your friends about Protoculture Addicts and encourage them to buy it as well.

PA#85 is really a great issue and I am sure you will enjoy it.

Take care,


Site Update

I have updated many pages of the web site. The most important update is that all the information about the newest issue, Protoculture Addicts #85, is now available.


PA#85 at the printer

Protoculture Addicts #85 is now at the printer and should start shipping by the end of next week.

Help promote PA! Tell a friend about Protoculture Addicts!

I'll post more information about the new issue as soon as possible.

Take care!



Fantasia 2005

Fantasia, North America's premier genre film festival, is back for a ninth edition!! It will be held at Concordia University, downtown Montreal (Hall Theatre and J.A. de Sève Theatre: 1455 & 1450 De Maisonneuve West), from July 7th to 25th.

As usual it offers an impressive programmation with more than 90 long feature films and more than 100 short films coming from sixteen countries. There will be about 30 movies from Japan (including nine anime and half-a-dozen kaiju or manga-inspired movies), 16 from Korea and 8 from Hong Kong.

Tickets (at $7.50) will be available on July 5th at 2 pm at the Concordia Hall Theatre and throughout the Admission Network. The program will be on sale ($3.00) in selected stores from June 30th and at the Concordia Hall Theatre from July 5th. For information: www.fantasiafestival.com.


More PA eBooks!

More back issues of Protoculture Addicts are available for download as eBooks from Drive Thru RPG. Now issues # 68-70 and #79 have been added. More issues will be added every month.


PA#84 available!

The shipping and mailing of PA #84 is now completed. As usual the magazine should be in stores by the end of next week and in your mail box within one to four weeks (depending of your location).


PA#84 at the Printer!

Protoculture Addicts #84 is now at the printer and will ship around June 13th.


PA eBooks!

Back issues of the magazine are now available for download as eBooks from Drive Thru RPG. For the moment only the issues #71 to 78 are available (at $3.95 US), but all back issues will be available in the coming months.